The Dino Story
"The Dino Story," co-authored by Jeanette Lockerbie, focuses on the early life of world-renowned Christian pianist Dino Kartsonakis, who grew up in a Greek household in New York City with his parents and sister Christine. He shares how his family came to recognize, when he was just a young boy, the blossoming musical talent that he possessed and how they encouraged this ambition without letting it interfere with his spiritual development. Dino reflects on the many positive early influences that touched him in his personal growth: his parents and grandparents; his first music teacher, Miss Florence Smith; his instructor at Juilliard School of Music, Miss Leland Thompson; and his friend and source of encouragement, evangelist Kathryn Kuhlman, who had invited him to serve as pianist at her rallies and telecasts. The book is a chronicle of Dino's journey along the two major pathways of his life - his religion and his music - as they converge in his desire to serve the Lord through his piano artistry.
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