Crucifixion: In the Ancient World and the Folly of the Message of the Cross (Facets)
In the ancient world and the folly of the message of the cross
Martin Hengel
"The book is rewarding both for the extensive amount of historical information about crucifixion which it provides and for an appreciation of the stigma which would have been attached to this punishment."
-Religious Studies Review
"The author's formidable survey of the classical literature gives new eloquence to Origen's description of crucifixion as 'mors turpissima' (most vile death), or to Paul's preaching of the 'scandal of the Cross'. "
-The Bible Today
"This valuable book deserves a wide circulation. It is worth reading and rereading. Its implications within the theological framework and message of the New Testament need to be most carefully thought through and meditated on . . . "
-Concordia Journal
"One can probably find more about crucifixion in this book than anywhere else. . . . Teachers and ministers will not want to deal with the crucifixion of Christ again without first reading Hengel."
-Christianity Today