A Guide to the Selection, Care & Breeding of Corals for the Mini-Reef Aquarium
Here for the first time is a complete listing of all the corals which have successfully been maintained in mini-reef-aquariums. Each listing provides a wonderful photograph to assist in the proper identification of the coral animal, along with all the information necessary to maintain the flower animal successfully in your mini-reef aquarium.Each species is colour coded with the level of experience needed in keeping them A clear distinction is made between hermatypic corals that use zooxanthellae (symbiotic algae) and ahermatypic corals that are predators which will eat anything they can paralyze with their stinging tentacles. Included in the listing is such vital information as the degree of difficulty hobbyists can expect in dealing with the coral, its range and origin, the amount of light it requires and how much water movement is necessary. The book assumes the aquarist has a basic understanding of the establishment and upkeep on marine aquaria. This book is essential reading for a