Dr. Burgess's Mini-Atlas of Marine Aquarium Fishes
The only thing "mini" about Dr. Burgess`s Mini-Atlas of Marine Aquarium Fishes is in its title. At almost a thousand pages and containing more than 1900 full-color photos, this book is big in size and value by any objective standard. The "mini" part of the title results only from the existence of the larger Dr. Burgess`s Atlas of Marine Aquarium Fishes, the standard identification reference work in the field. Additionally, it contains a large (256 pages) section devoted to the setup and maintenance of marine aquariums. The fishes shown are indexed by both scientific and popular names for ease of reference. One of the handiest features of this Mini-Atlas is that it shares with its larger cousin the use of space-saving symbols in the captions. Besides giving the fishes` scientific names, the captions also include numbers and symbols that provide at-a-glance information about the fishes` families, feeding habits, sizes and temperaments, swimming habits, and aquarium lighting requirements. Hardcover, 1023 pages.