The Secrets of Palm Reading
Palm reading--the art of decoding the secrets that lie in our own hands--may be as old as the human race itself. The shape of our hands, the mounts and ridges, the nails, and position of the digits--each element reveals something new about our personalities; left and right hands cover different aspects of our lives. In this comprehensive guide to palm reading, the significance of the various lines is revealed: the life line, the head, heart, and fate lines, and the Apollo line, which show how content with life we are. You can use this book to analyze not only your relationships, you career and money prospects, your compatibility with others, and the state of your health, but also to predict how things may change for you in the future. Here is an exciting new series focused on today's most popular healing approaches and spiritual insights. Presented in a clear, concise format, the Secrets of Series demystifies popular alternative approaches and teaches proper application, providing a perfect balance of theory and practice. Perfect for new or casual readers, these handbooks are simple to follow yet thorough and authoritative. Covering a wide range of topics, they appeal to readers from every background.