Life in the Vatican with John Paul II
As the second Christian millennium closes and the Grand Jubilee approaches, millions of Christians will look to Rome and its spiritual leader, Pope John Paul II. This volume anticipates the celebrations and provides a guided tour through the Vatican with an intimate insiders' look at the daily life and activities of the Pope within the Holy See.
While the Vatican Museums thrive on visitors, a large portion of the "city" is off-limits. renowned Vatican scholar Luigi Accattoli, and photographer Grzegorz Galazka, however, were granted extraordinary access to the Pope and his domain. Accattoli and Galazka lead you through the papal apartments and museums that are never open to the public. Venture into the Vatican gardens and the excavations beneath the basilica; to the library and archives; and to offices open only to duly accredited diplomats and journalists. You will see where Pope John Paul II walks daily and witness in stunning photographs the pope himself utilizing the Vatican as a multifaceted sanctuary of devotion.