The Present Future DVD Collection: Six Tough Questions for the Church
Join Reggie McNeal in person in this lively video presentation, based on his best-selling book, The Present Future: Six Tough Questions for the Church. In this ten-session four-DVD curriculum you will accompany best-selling author Reggie McNeal and his studio audience as they explore the six most important new realities that church leaders must face as they are to move beyond "churchianity" to a more authentic and missional Christian faith. By changing the questions church leaders ask themselves about their congregations and their mission, they can reshape the Christian movement in North America acknowledge generational shifts, and provide stimulating new ways of thinking about the missional possibilities of the church.
Filmed live before a studio audience, with Reggie McNeal teaching in his own distinctive style, the package includes 4 DVDs, 1 Leader's Guide and 1 Participant's Guide. The Participant's Guides may be purchased separately (ISBN: 9780787991708).