The Conscious Consultant: Mastering Change from the Inside Out
Find out what it takes to become an effective consultant!
In order to succeed as a change agent and consultant we mustclarify our own purpose, motivation, and relationship with ourcareers. The Conscious Consultant--a book in ThePracticing Organization Development Series--offers amuch-needed road map and powerful tool that consultants can use toperform a personal assessment of foundational principles in orderto achieve greater integrity and alignment with personal values andcareer. The book's Active Change Model creates anunderstanding of what it takes to become an effective consultantwho practices wisdom by making conscious choices in a thoughtfuland wholehearted manner, choices that will positively influence thework that is done with all clients.
"At last! A much-needed book primarily and effectively focusedon the consultant's continuing quest for personal awareness--bothlooking deeply for one's true inner self and outward for that selfin relation to clients. I do strongly agree with the author's basicthesis that we cannot expect our clients to embrace change unlesswe personally embrace it ourselves."
--Bob Tannenbaum, emeritus professor of the development ofhuman systems, Anderson Graduate School of Management, UCLA, andrecipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the National ODNetwork