The Leadership Paradox: Balancing Logic and Artistry in Schools
"A distinctive, playful, and insightful look at the art and craftof leading a modern-day school."
--Roland S. Barth, educator and author of Improving Schools fromWithin
"Reality-based cases and concepts worthy of reflection by all whoare interested in improving school leadership.''
--Linton Deck, director of education and nonprofit applications,Center for Creative Leadership
"Required reading for those who are or aspire to be principals andfor those who prepare, train, or supervise them."
--Laraine Roberts, director of research and development, CaliforniaSchool Leadership Academy
Rather than view leadership and management as opposing factions,this book shows how the two ideals can serve as complements inbuilding powerful school culture. The authors share real-lifestories and examples of school leaders who have learned to adopt abifocal approach and integrate the contradictions of their work.