Nonprofit Management & Leadership, No. 3, Spring 2000 (J-B NML Single Issue Nonprofit Management & Leadership) (Volume 10)
The Role of the Economic Sector in the Provision of Care toTrusting Clients (Erna Gelles).
The Nonprofit Sector and Gender Discrimination: A PreliminaryInvestigation into the Glass Ceiling (Margaret Gibelman).
The "Income Gap" and the Health of Arts Nonprofits: Arguments,Evidence and Strategies (Arthur C. Brooks).
Adaptive Strategies of Nonprofit Human Services Organizations inan Era of Devolution and New Public Management (JeniferAlexander).
A House Divided: How Nonprofits Experience Union Drives (JeanneB. Peters & Jan Masaoka).
The Changing Challenges of Management and Leadreship in the UKVoluntary Sector: An Interview with Stuart Etherington (MargaretHarris).
Private Nonprofits in a Public Sector Compendium (MichaelCortes).
Program Evaluation Practice in the Nonprofit Sector (Allison H.Fine, et al.).