Nonprofit Management & Leadership, No. 3, Summer 1999 (J-B NML Single Issue Nonprofit Management & Leadership) (Volume 9)
Effective Ministerial Leadership (D. Martin Butler & Robert D.Herman).
Reforming Property Tax Exemption Policy in the Nonprofit Sector:Commercialism, Collective Goods, and the Donative Theory (Robert T.Grimm Jr.).
Neighborhood-Based Services: Organizational Change andintegration Prospects (Cynthia A. Rapp & Carolyn M.Whitfield).
Requesite Variety of Strategic Management Modes: A CulturalStudy of Strategic Actions in a Deterministic Environment (StevenJ. Maranville).
The Nonprofit Sector and State Governments: Public Policy IssuesFacing Nonprofitsin North Carolina and Other States (RanCoble).
An Interview with John C. Whitehed (Dennis R. Young).
Nonprofit and Social Marketing (Denise Nitterhouse).
Educational Impact of Graduate Nonprofit Degree Programs:Perspectives of Multiple Stakeholders (Roseanne M. Mirabella).