Base Ball in Cincinnati: A History (The McFarland Historical Baseball Library, 3)
"From time to time fragmentary accounts of the origin and progress of baseball, as it existed in our community, have appeared in the papers and magazines, but it has remained to the writer to present for the first time a full and complete history of the game of baseball from its first organization in our midst until the present day"—from the Preface.
Harry Ellard’s Base Ball in Cincinnati, published in 1907, is an invaluable resource for those interested in the early years of professional baseball and the city that was its hometown. Ellard was uniquely positioned to write the definitive book on this topic: as a Cincinnati journalist, he knew of and consulted the best photographs and documents relating to the Cincinnati Club, and had the cooperation of several Red Stockings players. Readers will find information on stand-out clubs and games, and many of the important men who were instrumental to early baseball in Cincinnati and so to professional baseball in general.