The Battle For Jerusalem
On September 28, 2000, retired Israeli General Ariel Sharon visited Jerusalems historic Temple Mount under a cloud of tension. As he left, more than 200 Arab protesters surged forward, throwing stones and finally forcing Israeli police to fire upon the crowd. The incident launched a series of bloody battles that mirror conflicts between Arabs and Jews through the ages. Written in Pastor Hagees no-holds-barred style, The Battle for Jerusalem explores the heart of the current conflict, the history behind the antagonism between Arabs and Jews, and the powerful significance of the thirty-five-acre parcel that is the most fiercely-contested real estate on the planet. He also discusses the most recent American election, and explains why President Bush will not be able to reach a peace accord in the Middle East. Must-reading for every concerned Christian and all who struggle to understand the unique and continually unresolved conflict in Israel, The Battle for Jerusalem takes a hard look at Israel, Arafat, and the United States… and illustrates how they fit into Gods plan for the ages.