The Cne Update to Netware 4.1
An objective, critical review of NetWare 4.1, The CNE Update to NetWare 4.1 is specially designed to help you in two ways: 1. Successfully upgrade from NetWare 3 to 4.1; 2. Pass the NetWare 3 to 4.1 Update Test.
Get the inside story on upgrade considerations. Find out what NetWare 4.1 can do, who should upgrade to it, and what upgrading will cost in terms of software, hardware, training, and support.
See the mysteries of NDS revealed. Learn to set up your NetWare Directory Services tree for maximum efficiency. Get a firm grasp of NDS security issues, and learn how to manage NDS objects.
Implement a NetWare 4.1 installation. Step-by-step instructions show you how to install NetWare 4.1 on new and existing servers, and how to configure workstation software.
You'll also learn how to handle NetWare Bindery Services, use NetWare 4.1 utilities, arrange printing services, and optimize your network. Each chapter is followed by related CNE practice-test questions to prepare you for the Update Test.
The enclosed 3 1/2" high-density disk contains a Windows-based testing and evaluation program that simulates the questions found on Novell's NetWare 3 to 4.1 Update Test. Comprising more than 200 questions, this interactive learning system scores your sample exams, identifies areas for improvement, and tracks your progress.