Better Health Care for Less
Did you know... that drug companies give free medicine to people who can't afford medicine? That medical exams and treatment are often free when done as part of an experimental study? That you can get a dental check-up and cleaning at a school of dental hygiene for about $10? That young children can have free immunization at many health departments and immunization drives?
Facts like these can help the cost-conscious consumer save money on medical care. With tips like these Better Health Care for Less helps you sort through medical choices and directs you to new resources. This easy-to-use guide is arranged dictionary-style for quick reference.
Some of the more than 350 topics covered are AIDs, allergies, arthritis, birth control, cancer treatment, diabetes, dermatology, diagnostic tests, emergencies, eye care, high blood pressure, HMOs, insurance, long term care, medications, Parkinson's disease, pregnancy, experimental treatment, surgery, testing, and x-rays.