Handbook for Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing
This concise clinical handbook companion to Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing presents selected diseases and disorders in a tabbed, alphabetical format, allowing for rapid access and user ease. Designed for the classroom or clinical setting, the handbook contains nearly 200 entries of the most common medical-surgical disorders, and content is cross-referenced with the textbook. Featured highlights include gerontological considerations; patient and family education; home and community care health promotion and health maintenance; and hypertension and neurological trauma. Now in two colors, the fully updated and revised Tenth Edition emphasizes Nursing Management and has Nursing Alerts and other pedagogy to complement and highlight the text. Three appendices that serve as helpful, quick references are included: a lab values reference resource (normal values), a full list of current nursing diagnoses (NANDA), and a comprehensive list of abbreviations used in nursing and the health care industry.