Cancer Information for Teens, 4th Ed. (Teen Health)
Cancer Information for Teens
Teens need a reliable source of no-nonsense health information whether they are wondering about their own health, concerned about a friend or family member, or writing a report for school.
Cancer Information for Teens, Fourth Edition, presents updated facts about cancer causes, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. It explains how cancer occurs in the body and describes some warning signs. A chapter focused on cancer myths helps teens sort fact from fiction. For teens that do have cancer, the book gives practical advice about important topics, such as which questions to ask health care providers and how to cope with treatment side effects and changes in body image. Social worries at school and among friends are addressed, and cancer survivorship issues, including fertility concerns, are discussed frankly. A separate section focuses on teens with friends or family members who have cancer. Finally, a resource section provides suggestions for additional reading, a directory of web-based support sources, and list of websites for finding cancer trials.
The Teen Health Series
Cancer Information for Teens, Fourth Edition is part of the Teen Health Series, a leading resource for librarians, teachers, and students who are looking for medical information that is authoritative, well-organized, and easy-to use. Teens and other readers will find the volumes in the Teen Health Series to be excellent resources for reference, research, and personal information.
About the Publisher
The Omnigraphics mission has been to provide authoritative and engaging reference resources to libraries and schools. Spanning the areas of biography, history, health, culture, and ready reference, the Omnigraphics products have been consistently recognized for demonstrating the same uncompromising quality throughout the years.