Following the trend of dystopian novels, Genesis will appeal to readers of sci-fi and books like Robopocalypse, Blood Red Road, and the classic 1984.
It's the year 2075.
The island Republic has emerged from a ruined world. Its citizens are safe but not free. They live in complete isolation from the outside world. Approaching planes are gunned down, refugees shot on sight. Until a man named Adam Forde rescues a girl from the sea.
Anaximander, a young Academy student, is put through a gruelling exam. Her special subject: the life of Adam Forde, her long-dead hero. What secrets has she discovered and what is her own surprising link to Adam? She is forced to confront the horrifying truth about her totalitarian world.
Genesisis a thriller that asks the big questions: What is it to be human? What makes a soul?