The Adventures of Jeanne-Marie
Here is a compilation of three enchanting tales, originally published in the 1950s, featuring the much-loved Jeanne-Marie: Springtime for Jeanne-Marie, Jeanne-Marie Counts Her Sheep, and No'l for Jeanne-Marie. Jeanne-Marie and her woolly best friend Patapon the sheep are irresistible characters, keeping kids turning the pages for more. Franoise's vibrant, engaging illustrations enhance the undeniable charm of this terrific compilation.
Jeanne-Marie Counts Her Sheep was named the best book of the year by the American Institute of Graphic Arts
Francoise Seignobosc was a French artist whose picture books have enthralled children for years. A lover of children and animals, she devoted her life to writing and illustrating children's books that both inspire and amuse.