Novell's Cne Study Guide for Core Technologies
It takes extraordinary knowledge and experience with Novell networking to assemble a comprehensive, authoritative volume like Novell's CNE Study Guide for Core Technologies. Novell insider and Certified NetWare Instructor David James Clark, IV, is unique in having just that knowledge and experience.
In-depth, detailed, yet highly readable, Novell's CNE Study Guide for Core Technologies sports innovative teaching techniques designed to enhance your learning, understanding, and retention: Enjoy visual learning with dynamic 3-D diagrams and graphics, highlighted Summary Boxes, and ingenious cartoons Master the host of technical terms with special CNE crossword puzzles Punctuate your studies with fascinating quotes, fun facts, pop quizzes, expert tips, and, yes, Zen reflections Learn from Real World sections with situational walk-throughs of on-the-job scenarios and emergencies Get hands-on training with exercises, including access to a live online NetWare lab Check out the Windows-based CD sample tests and training sets with sound clips, puzzle clues, interactive graphics, and answers that include explanations you can really learn from
Plus, Novell's CNE Study Guide for Core Technologies includes an exclusive CD-ROM containing Novell's NetWire Starter Kit, the Clarke Tests v.2, and the full Microhouse I/O Card Encyclopedia.