HTML 4 For Dummies
Simply put, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the magic Web authors use to create readable, attractive pages for all the world to see. At first glance, building Web pages may seem to require years of arduous training, advanced aesthetic capabilities, and hours of exhausting trial-and-error exercises. But if you can tell somebody how to drive across town to your house, you can certainly build a Web document that performs to your expectations.
HTML 4 For Dummies, 4th Edition, shows the full range of design and technical elements you need to build good-looking, useful Web pages, and gives you the know-how and confidence to do it! This remarkable markup reference gets down to the basics about
- Coming up with a document structure
- Working with blocks of text
- Laying out lists of several kinds
- Linking to online resources
- Adding images to your page
- Setting colors and backgrounds
Taking HTML to the next level, HTML 4 For Dummies, 4th Edition, introduces the finer points of tables, frames, forms and far more. The indispensable guide covers common tools and techniques that can extend HTML's capabilities through
- The joy and wonder of Cascading Style Sheets
- Scripts that turn your pages into an interactive playground
- Multimedia options that serve up audio, video or animation
- Database connections that open the doors to an information treasury
- Interrelated HTML documents that add up to a full-blown Web site
Loaded with examples, illustrations, and step-by-step instructions, HTML 4 For Dummies, 4th Edition, can get you going or growing with your Web page-building know-how. Whether your online presence serves as a personal hobby, a greeting to the world, or a managed, professional resource on the job, this up-to-date resource is the one to rely on for all your Web adventures.