XML For Dummies?
XML lets developers capture, manipulate and exchange virtually any kind of document or data, without loss of integrity. Because XML lets you create common formats for sharing information between devices and platforms—such as mobile phones, Web browsers and company data stores—many experts have begun calling it the “lingua franca,” or universal language of the Digital Age. Developers, especially developers for the Web and intranets, can’t afford to be XML illiterate. But that powerful markup language has a lot of rules and can be a bit tricky to master. And that’s where this book comes in.
XML For Dummies offers you a fast, fun, and easy way to become XML literate. With a minimum of technobabble and tons of sample applications and case studies, the authors get you on track with XML and all its special features. You’ll:
- Make the most of XML’s extensible characteristics
- Combine XML and XHTML
- Get the hang of DTDs, XML Schema, XLink, and XPath
- Design XML applications to support graphics, complex linking, document navigation, multimedia, and more
- Use XML with style sheets and XSL
From the abc’s of markup languages to XML Web services, XML For Dummies covers all the bases. Designed to give you the practical experience you need to put XML to work right away, it offer hands-on, step-by-step coverage of:
- Planning and defining XML documents
- Creating custom DTDs
- Using XML schema
- Using and delivering XML content
- Linking languages, including the XML linking language, path language, and pointer language
- Creating documents with authoring tools
- Using XML parser engines and conversion tools
- XML Web services
As an added bonus, XML For Dummies comes with a CD-ROM containing a goldmine of powerful XML development tools, including:
- Example markup from the book
- XML Spy, Epic Editor, and IBM XML Schema Quality Checker
- AElfred, XML4J, Amaya and other freeware and open source products
With XML, the dream of total data connectivity and exchange is at last a reality. Don’t get left behind. Get XML For Dummies and join the XML revolution.