You were born to be an original, not a copy. So was your church. It's time to break the rules...about the church...about leadership...about penetrating postmodern culture with God's purposes. It's time to unLearn "church." In this book, Mike Slaughter, Chief Dreamer of the renowed Ginghamsburg Church, shares a liberty non-model for emerging churches. Churches that lovingly dare to shoulder spiritual and prophetic leadership in our rapid-change culture. Led by leaders who want to flourish in their giftedness and God-given purpose-those not satisfied with being a leadership "clone." unLearning Church will equip you to:
*Recognize how your specific call and distinguishing gift mix can serve as a dynamic catalyst for visualizing and creating alternate pathways of ministry in your community.
*Articulate God's ancient purposes to today's postmodern world.
*Gaze boldly beyond franchised church models to a clear vision for how the Holy Spirit is empowering you and your church to demonstrate the kingdom of God.
*Create environments where people can become radical followers of Jesus Christ.
Find and follow God's directive for your church. Go beyond knowning and believing God's truth to experiencing and demonstrating God's Presence. Break the rules. Start unLearning "church."