Letters from the Front
The struggles and perils of battle pervade these letters, as do the hopes, fears, everyday concerns, and raw emotions of the warriors who wrote them. Presented in this handsomely illustrated volume are authentic glimpses into history during more than two centuries of warfare. Both famous historical figures and ordinary soldiers are represented. Readers will find a battlefield letter from Napoleon to his beloved Josephine, written in 1796, before he reached his height of fame and power. By contrast, Edgar Clark was an ordinary soldier in the Union Army during the Civil War, but his letter to his family after engaging in a fierce battle gives as vivid a description of war as any to be found in official history books. Letters from the front in World War I include one from future president Harry Truman to his wife Bess, and another from the English poet Wilfred Owen to his mother. Each of this book's chapters focuses on a specific era, including the American Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars, the Texas Revolution, the Mexican War, the American Civil War, the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, and various conflicts of the late twentieth century. This memorable collection is enhanced with full-color illustrations, historic photos, maps, and photocopies of several dramatic letters.