Can You Move Like an Elephant?
It�s a brightly illustrated interactive book that really gets boys and girls moving! A picture showing elephants appears with text that asks: �Can you do what an elephant does? Deep in the jungle, the elephants go�slow, slow, to and fro, swinging their trunks from side to side.� Kids are challenged to move like an elephant . . . then like a slithery snake, and then like a swinging monkey. The colorful pictures that follow show a peacock, a snail, a big yellow butterfly, a springing tiger, a running deer, a herd of frightened animals, and a flock of flamingos. Finally, kids are asked if they can cuddle up and go to sleep like a small rabbit in its burrow. Here�s an imaginatively illustrated volume that also makes a perfect bedtime story. Endpapers contrast Manya Stojic�s vivid art with color photos of kids imitating the animals. (Ages 2�6)