The Simply Spa-Tacular Spa Time Book
The Simply SPA-tacular Spa Time Book offers imaginative entertainment while putting a very youthful spin on ways for girls to pamper their bodies. It presents 16 ideas for themed spas that girls can copy when getting together for fun. They include the SPA-ghetti party, featuring foods that soothe, as well as parties that focus on aspects of yoga, reflexology, and aroma therapy. Each SPA idea presented in the book incorporates two attractively illustrated two-page spreads-one page for introduction, followed by a one-page recipe and two activities. Here are just a few of the SPA suggestions:
? Wish Upon a Spa: It a sleepover spa. Girls get together and create facial steam treatments, and make wish cookies and chamomile tea.
? Power SPA: This concept concentrates on relaxing body and muscles with a warm stone massage, followed by a delicious yogurt parfait
? Ma and SPA: It's a mother-daughter get-together for hair braiding and mani-cure/pedicure, followed up with a favorite traditional dessert or snack recipe.
Like adult women, girls know what it means to be stressed, and they also know the joys of unwinding with a bit of self-pampering. This book approaches issues of mind and body in a novel way, and with exclusive focus on the pre-teen girl. (Ages 7-11)