What Cats Want: The Secret of How to Understand Your Cat
Pet lovers will perceive immediately that this book�s unique feature is its radical approach to feline care. Author Claire Bessant writes exclusively from the cat�s viewpoint, rather than from that of the animal�s human owner. Broadening her reader�s understanding with reliable facts on feline traits, she enriches her book with advice on keeping cats safe and contented both in the house and outside. As a noted feline expert, Ms. Bessant provides a full summary of health problems common among cats and offers information on treatments and remedies. She stresses the fact that in today�s hi-tech and fast-paced urban environment, owners must remember that cats are still essentially the animals they were when they lived in Egypt. Though they have fit smoothly into today�s human environment, they retain their good health only for as long as their owners remain aware of basic feline needs and wants. Every cat lover will want to read and re-read this discerning book.