Mobil Travel Guide: Southwest 2007 (MOBIL TRAVEL GUIDE SOUTHWEST (AZ, CO, NV, NM, UT))
The Southwest is an amazing mix of deserts and mountains, valleys and forests, and Mobil Travel Guide makes it easy to explore all of it. Find out where to get some of the best views of the Grand Canyon and the best gardens of cacti in Arizona and then where to sleep and eat around the areas. Choose from a variety of ski resorts in Colorado, and what else there is to see and do in the Rocky Mountain state. Stay in Las Vegas on any budget and take a tour of the impressive Hoover Dam in Nevada. Learn about the Native American culture of New Mexico and when to visit to catch one of the many festivals. Mobil Travel Guide includes a special section about"Santa Fe's Art and Architecture." Read up, then make sure to plan a visit to Georgia O'Keefe's museum. In Utah, the natural beauty comes form more than 3,000 lakes, miles of mountains, acres of forests, and vast deserts, and the capital of Utah, Salt Lake City, holds a piece of religious history with the Mormon settlers who grew the town. The Regional Travel Planner: Southwest also includes chapters on the many America's Byways™ that cross the states: Kaibab Plateau-North Rim Parkway, Dinosaur Diamond Prehistoric Highway, Frontier Pathways Scenic and Historic Byway, Gold Belt Tour Scenic and Historic Byway, Grand Mesa Scenic and Historic Byway, San Juan Skyway, Santa Fe Trail Scenic and Historic Byway, Top of the Rockies Scenic Byway, Trail Ridge Road/Beaver Meadow Road, Lake Tahoe-Eastshore Drive, Las Vegas Strip, Pyramid Lake Scenic Byway, Billy the Kid Trail, El Camino Real, Historic Route 66, Jemez Mountain Trail, Santa Fe Trail, Turquoise Trail, The Energy Loop: Huntington and Eccles Canyons Scenic Byways, Flaming Gorge-Uintas Scenic Byway, A Journey Through Time Scenic Byway-Highway 12, Logan Canyon Scenic Byway, and Nebo Loop Scenic Byway.
The Regional Travel Planner: Southwest covers Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah. It also includes Side Trips to Joshua Tree National Park, CA; Death Valley National Park, CA; Lake Tahoe Area, CA; Lassen Volcanic National Park, CA; Lava Beds National Monument, CA; and Yosemite National Park, CA.
The Mobil Travel Guide Regional Travel Planner series (17 titles) gives you a driver's-eye view of trips throughout the United States and Canada. Pick up essential facts, fun trivia, must-do 20events, and driving details in the introduction to each state or province, then flip through the book to find annually updated attractions, hotels, and restaurants that fit your itinerary and your budget. Organized alphabetically by state/province, or by city when applicable, the guides make it easy to find just what you need.