Quick Escapes Las Vegas: 25 Weekend Getaways from the Neon City (Quick Escapes Series)
Twenty-five minivacations take you away from the hustle and bustle of the city: Head out to the desert, view petroglyphs, tour an ancient Sinaguan cliff dwelling, and explore Arizona's majestic red rock formations in the Sedona escape. Discover the history of Nevada, visit an Old West ghost town, tour the capital, and follow the Kit Carson Trail in the Virginia City and Carson City escape. Enjoy world-class skiing, watersports, or hiking in California's Sierra Nevada, indulge at a lodge with a private spa, and visit luxurious mansions in the Lake Tahoe escape. This guide also includes detailed route maps; travel directions; destination highlights; activities for morning, afternoon, and evening; choice restaurants and lodgings; special events and festivals; shopping and local sources of information. (5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 288 pages, maps, b&w photos)