Revelation & Daniel An Independent-Study Test
Part of the Faith & Action series. Great for the classroom, group participation, or independent personal study. The book contains life-changing insights, illustrations, and applications by Dr. Glen D. Cole and Dr. Quentin McGhee. If offers principle-centered and cross-cultural interpretations and helpful pictures and photos. The rear of the book includes definitions, a scripture list, a bibliography, and endnotes. Dr. Quentin McGhee is founder and senior editor of the Faith & Action Series. He earned a B.A. from Southwestern College in Oklahoma City, and a B.S. from Oral Roberts University (ORU). Later he completed an M.Div. at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. There he taught beginning Greek and was selected by the faculty for "Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. He earned a D.Min. from ORU in 1987. Dr. McGhee and his wife, Elizabeth, pioneered a church in Oklahoma, then went on to serve as missionaries in Kenya for 15 years. There they helped plant many churches, developed an extension Bible school for pastors, and assisted in curriculum development. Dr. McGhee served as Director of the International School of Ministry at Global University for 10 years (1995-2005). Dr. Cole was Superintendent of the Northern California and Nevada District Council of the Assemblies of God. He served 450 churches and 1,500 pastors. Prior to being elected district superintendent, Dr. Cole was widely recognized as an outstanding leader. He graduated from Central Bible College and served in the pastoral ministry for nearly 40 years. During his 17 years as Senior Pastor of Capital Christian Center in Sacramento, California, the church grew to over 4,000 members. He raised up a Christian School that has grown to 1,600 students and a Bible Institute that is training 150 students. In recognition of his distinguished ministry, Pastor Cole was awarded an honorary D.D. from Pacific Bible College in Sacramento.