Cruise Vacations with Kids, Revised 2nd Edition
If so, a cruise might be just the ticket! While the kids swim, explore, or take part in organized ship activities, grown-ups can relax, romance, dine, and dance. Arranged by destination, this invaluable guide covers the latest information on:
• Disney's Magic cruise ship
• Fun activities for kids—from scavenger hunts to beach parties
• The best new cruise lines and destinations
• Cruises to Europe, the Caribbean, Hawaii, Alaska, and the Bahamas
• And much, much more!
"Required reading for any family that wants to spend its vacation on a cruise ship. Tells you how to find the right ship, the right cruise, and—best of all—how to save money, too."—Larry Fox and Barbara Radin Fox, Cruise News: Exploring the World by Ship /
"The answer to many parents' prayers. Cruise Vacations with Kids will help you make intelligent choices when planning family cruise travel."—Carol Kominsky, Best Fares newsletter