SmartLab Toys Go Natural Deluxe Lip Balm Lab with 20 Recipes, Tips and Techniques. STEM Science Lab
Go Natural Deluxe Lip Balm Lab builds on the success of the best-selling All-Natural Lip Balm Boutique kit by including the main ingredients needed to make custom lip balms, including flavor and color. Additional exclusive components include a mix-and-melt silicone mold that goes directly into the microwave oven, a creation station, lip balm pods, and two-sided travel pods that will slip into the snuggest jeans pocket and can also be attached to a backpack or keychain. Kids will mix and melt all the ingredients in the silicone mold, eliminating the extra messy step of heating wax and oil in Pyrex glassware and scraping it out. As they create, young cosmetic scientists will learn about humectants and emollients and discover why water and oil don't mix in the 16-page illustrated activity book featuring activities and scientific information. This 30-piece kit includes: lab station, 3 sphere pods, 3 double-sided go pods, mix-and-melt silicone mold, all-natural beeswax pastilles, cotton candy flavoring, red mica colorant, measure-and-cut spoon, stir sticks, and a 16-page illustrated activity book.