Aircraft Carriers: The World's Greatest Naval Vessels and Their Aircraft
With its emergence at the end of World War I, the aircraft carrier quickly established itself as the centerpiece of any naval flotilla. Aircraft carriers' dominance at sea was marked by the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. Since then aircraft carriers have been the yardstick by which any navy's potency is measured. Aircraft Carriers is a comprehensive guide to the carriers that have been built since the end of World War I.Accompanying the illustrations in each entry are highly detailed specifications and a full design and development history of the carrier, and, where relevant, the aircraft. All of the most famous aircraft carriers are included, from the American Yorktown and Enterprise and the Japanese Akagi, to the British mini-carriers like the Illustrious, the French Charles de Gaulle, the Soviet Kuznetsov, and the modern American Nimitz class.- Comprehensive guide to all the major classes of aircraft carriers- Full-color artworks of each carrier class- Detailed technical specifications