Meaningful Outreach: An Essential Guide for Churches
Invites were sent out Advertisements were created. Your church event was an overwhelming success. Yet those exited new faces don't show up for Sunday service or Bible study. What happened? Why didn't your outreach work? Attracting unchurched people to your events in one thing. Engaging them over time to actively bring them into Christ's Church is another. Rev. Dr. Mark A. Wood wants to challenge your definition of outreach. Outreach is not simply hosting events and activities, it should encompass engagement. Bridge the giant gap that unchurched people see between attending an event and participating in your church by shifting your congregation's perspective. Show your congregants how to move these people from having a simple connection to actively wanting to become disciples of Jesus. This Gospel-centered approach to outreach will allow you to implement efforts centered on the work of the Holy Spirit rather than human efforts. You won't find a magic wand to wave and effortlessly make disciples here. Rather, you will discover a treasure trove of practical and practiced ideas that you can adapt to your church's outreach needs. Book jacket.