Chemistry You Need to Know
How many times have you heard, why do you need to know this stuff? I'm sure that if you had a nickel for every time you heard it, you would be rich. I'm happy to say that Kendall Hunt Publishing has a chemistry textbook that will answer that question. Kendall Hunt Chemistry is engaging with a new thematic approach to help students discover chemistry in their lives. Core concepts are introduced within 12 real-life chapter themes. The chemistry needed to understand the theme is Kendall Hunt Chemistryintroduced within each chapter so that students see the relevance and cross-concept connections of chemistry in their everyday lives. The textbook is designed to engage all students and provide an application-based approach that is college-preparatory in its rigor. In the end, this program includes real inquiry- both students designing their own experiments and students being guided by careful questioning to discover concepts before lecture/reading about them.