The Practical Encyclopedia of Beading & Ribbonwork: Craft Techniques - Materials - Projects
Get bold and inventive with two of the most beautiful fabric craft materials, beads and ribbons, with this practical compendium showing you how to create lovely accessories and ornaments for every room in the home. There are 100 projects using beads, ribbons and tassels, as well as scores of ideas and inspirations for creating fabulous decorative items. Learn how to make exquisite tie-backs, bags, wreaths, stationery, gift-wrap and cards, cushions, trims, picture frames, lampshades, cord pulls and much more. This inspirational guide to the art of working with beads, ribbons and threads illustrates all the key techniques such as how to use a bead loon and a pin board for beadwork, a warping frame and skirt board for tassels, and ribbon weaving and embroidery methods to embellish your work. Presented in an easy-to-follow format, with techniques to suit all levels, this beautiful craft book allows you to create exquisite decorations with confidence and success.