The 'Onion' Ad Nauseam : Another Year of the 'Onion
The Onion team is back with more deadpan headlines, opinion pieces, news in brief fact every last damn word published by America's 'Finest News Source'(trade mark) in the past year. This is their fifth book and the second in a series of complete yearly roundups - the previous 12 months' editions, and not available online - with all the news The Onion brought to the masses in their fourteenth year. From the cutting edge of world events came, 'US Urges Bin Laden To Form Nation It Can Attack', 'President Urges Calm Restraint Among Nation's Ballad Singers' and 'Eight Million Americans Rescued From Poverty With Redefinition Of Term'.Not forgetting old favourites, the team also found time to champion stories like 'Pepsi Super Bowl Ad Raises Worldwide Pepsi-Awareness 0.00000000001 Percent' and 'United States Toughens Image With Umlauts'. "The Onion Ad Nauseam Volume 14" is back to bring you pure Onion, wrapping it's cultural commentary and loony anecdotes in the language of a suburban daily. Still the original and best way to take a humorous look at world events, this will appeal to anyone with a sense of humour ...except maybe if you work in politics.