Inherited Skin Disorders, 2Ed: The Genodermatoses
The genodermatoses are a group of inherited skin disorders forming a small but important proportion of the cases seen by dermatologists and paediatricians. Recent genetic developments have led to a better understanding of the underlying aetiology of the genodermatoses; understanding now being applied to improve management.
John Harper has brought together an eminent and international team of contributors to produce a comprehensive handbook for those involved in the care of patients with genodermatoses. Following an introduction covering clinical perspectives, animals models and prenatal dermatology, the second edition of the book approaches specific disease groups. Each of the sixteen chapters begins with a broad classification and a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the major diseases encompassing definition, genetics, clinical, features, pathology, course, prognosis and management, emphasizing the practical approach throughout. Section three covers counseling, prenatal and pre-implantation diagnosis. There are many tables and the chapters are concisely referenced; excellent line drawings are contributed by the illustration department of the Institute of Child Health and colour illustrations throughout support the text. Primarily intended for dermatologists as well as paediatricians, geneticists, physicians in training, general practitioners and those involved with the treatment of such patients.