Radioactive Sample Counting: Principles and Practice: IPEM report 85 (IPEM-IOP in Physics and Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 85)
Radioactive decay & other nuclear reactions are randomly occurring events, & therefore must be described quantitatively in statistical terms. Not only is there constant change in the activity of a specific sample due to the half-life of the radionuclide, but there is also a fluctuation in the decay rate of a sample from one instant to the next due to the random nature of radioactive decay. Radioactive sample counting forms the basis of routine diagnostic tests such as the measurement of Glomerular Filtration Rate. Further applications include measuring pharmacokinetics & performing dosimetry for new pharmaceutical products, as well as performing leak tests for sealed sources & environmental contamination surveys. This book provides information & advice on radioactive sample counting to students, clinical scientists, researchers & industrial partners, & outline examples applications.