Chemistry (Nelson Science)
Each student textbook is divided into different topics, written in a narrative approach, providing scientific accuracy and clarity in a highly accessible style. A number of case studies are included to cover the Sc1 Scientific Enquiry on the history of science and science in evidence. Additional revision material is introduced, with questions in an exam-style format linked to a variety of awarding bodies. This book reinforces students' learning through practical work and case studies. An innovative range of investigations for Sc1 provides students and teacher briefs, which allow access to higher levels. Makes science accessible to all students with activities and case studies related to the skills and processes defined in Sc1. The book covers the core Key Skills of Communication, Application of Number and ICT. Channel 4 are producing a series of television programmes linked to this brand new series, for early 2002. Comprehensive additional support is offered on our website. This will include additional extension materials, as well as useful links to other relevant websites.