Stolen Childhood
* `Stolen Childhood' is the story of what is being done to achieve justice for the Earth's most vulnerable majority - children.
* At risk worldwide from abuse, exploitation and poverty, the obligation to protect children and recognize their needs has never been more urgent.
* International pressure has prompted the nations of the world to agree an enforceable set of standards on children's rights. This `Convention on the Rights of the Child' will be ratified by the UN this November to mark the 30th anniversary of the Declaration on the Rights of the Child.
* Compelling and authoritative, `Stolen Childhood' summarizes the key issues on children's rights, and describes the reality of children's lives around the world: a crack addict in New York; a polio victim in India; a Down's Syndrome child in Sweden; child workers in Italy; and the children of prostitutes in the Phillipines.
* `Stolen Childhood' is highly illustrated and written for a general audience. It is an indispensable contribution to one of the most pressing social issues in the world today.