The Number: A Completely Different Way to Think About the Rest of Your Life

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Author(s): Eisenberg, Lee
Edition: Abridged
Released: Jan 03, 2006
Format: Audio CD, 0 pages
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It's the last question you think about before going to sleep, and the first on your mind in the morning. It's a taboo that you can't easily discuss with friends and can barely face with family. It's The Number: the amount of money you need to secure the rest of your life. Do you know what your Number is? Do you know how to think about it? Do you know what you really want to do with it?

A provocative field guide to our psyches and our finances, Lee Eisenberg's The Number will help you have the money conversations you have been avoiding. It will make you think about the kind of life you want and the kind of help you need to achieve it. You will also discover:

? Why you wander through your financial "lost years" until it is almost too late

? Why downshifting into retirement is so challenging

? How the second half of life is being reinvented as we live longer

An important program for anyone over thirty, The Number is the audiobook to listen to before you consult an investment adviser or a retirement guide -- and above all, before the rest of your life slips by, unexamined.

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