Dr. Spock's The School Years: The Emotional and Social Development of Children
America's favorite pediatrician, Dr. Benjamin Spock has helped two generations of parents raise their kids with his timeless bestseller, Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care. Now, today's parents can rejoice: a new compilation of Dr. Spock's timeless advice is here! Filled with Dr. Spock's insightful writings on the fruition of a child to college-aged adult, this first-time collection of essays provides parents with timely information on topics such as: a child's fears and anger coping with everyday stress teaching a child values and responsibilities understanding and dealing with violence in contemporary culture effective discipline prioritizing school work dealing with peer pressure discussing love, sex, and AIDS step-parenting With Dr. Spock's The School Years, parents everywhere will return again and again to Dr. Spock for all of their child-rearing questions.