Lavender, Sweet Lavender
The heart of every perfect summer is captured in the sweet fragrance of that most nostalgic of all flowers, lavender. And, in this definitive book, the essence of lavender itself is unerringly captured.
Lavender has been interwoven with history for thousands of years and its role in magic, medicine, and myth make fascinating reading. There is an amazing potpourri provided of traditional and innovative culinary, craft and fragrance uses for lavender that will delight and entrance your senses.
Lavender farms from around the world, together with the history of lavender farming, modern lavender farming techniques and oil extraction are described. For the home gardener the author describes in detail and offers designs for a range of exquisite small authentic historical gardens each featuring lavender, together with expert advice on successfully growing this quintessential cottage plant. An extensive and comprehensive botanical monograph on the genus is included.
Illustrated abundantly with photographs gathered world wide, as well as of the author's garden, and with line drawings by the author.