Saintly Support: A Prayer For Every Problem
Someone who's misplaced his glasses may want to pray to Saint Anthony. A person with an earache might call upon Saint Cornelius. Those who battle temptation could entreat Saint Margaret of Cortona. In fact, anyone seeking help with problems large and small will want a copy of Saintly Support, a book that explains why people pray to patron saints, and then offers prayers of supplication and guidance. Whether they want relief from arthritis or peace in the world, Saintly Support gives pilgrims a place to start.Organized by the saints' patronages and specialties, Saintly Support provides short biographies of the saints, explaining the basis for their patronages and a calendar of feast days for the entire year. Sample prayers to each saint are simple and direct, yet beautifully written. A prayer to St. Isidore of Seville, for example, includes the line, "May I always remember that my work is in the people around me and the community I live in." In addition, Saintly Support contains exquisite black-and-white and color engravings of many of the saints who are included in its pages. Readers will find that Saintly Support offers a powerful way of communicating with God by sharing their hopes, dreams, worries, and desires with the most blessed in the Christian community-the saints who've gone before.