2,002 Ways to Show Your Kids You Love Them
A heartwarming group of unusual and imaginative suggestions for showing children they are cherished and important, 2,002 Ways to Show Your Kids You Love Them includes literally hundreds of unique and fun ideas to help readers put their feelings into action. This seventh book in the 2,002 series offers a smorgasbord of delightful ways to show your child you care, as well as special sections with wonderful ideas for girls only, boys only, and single parents. Here you'll find suggestions for small but important acts of love, such as: ¨ Help your child to be open to new experiences.¨ Take your child along on your next business trip.¨ Send a card and sign it "Secret Pal."¨ Celebrate National Ice Cream Month with your child in July.Plus, scattered throughout the book are proverbs, parenting affirmations, quotations, and other bits of wisdom to help create a safe, happy, and educational environment for your child.