Healing with Crystals & Gemstones: Balance Your Chakras and Your Life by Daya Sarai Chocron (2005-05-03)
Healing with Crystals and Gemstones provides a unique approach to achieving wellness with crystals. It explains Daya Sarai Chocron's trademark methods for increasing vitality including pain-relief prisms, cranial crystals, and mandalstone patterns. From curing a headache and strengthening the heart and other organs to overcoming arthritis and similar bone-related issues, this remarkable book contains essential information for a healthier, happier life. Chocron explains how the stones interact electromagnetically with both the physical body and the etheric body - the subtle life force that sustains the physical body. The stones bring them into alignment and prevent or correct imbalances that can result in a domino effect of maladies - low energy, depression, stress-related diseases like shingles, ulcers, or migraines, and any number of other serious physical problems. By learning to work with crystals, gems, and the chakras, we can be proactive about keeping everything in proper alignme