The New Messies Manual
If you're tired of fighting an avalanche every time you open a closet or cabinet door... if you never answer the phone because you cant find it... if there's a "Cleanie" inside you whos striving to break free, The New Messies Manual can help you make chronic messiness a thing of the past!
After thirty-seven printings and over 300,000 copies sold, The Messies Manual is a proven best-seller. Now completely revised and updated, The New Messies Manual provides more foolproof strategies for overcoming messiness as our lives become busier and busier. Seven new chapters have been added.
A reformed Messie herself, Sandra Felton founded Messies Anonymous to help people improve their organizational skills. Combined sales of her Messies books now number over half a million. In this practical and perceptive book, Felton helps readers who swim in clutter every day learn the secrets of good housekeeping.