Message from the Sparrows
Message from the Sparrows is principally an introduction to esoteric ideas, those ideas at the periphery of most of our thinking: Who am I, really? Do I believe all of the things that have been handed down to me? Have I discovered things for myself or has it been a matter of being told what to think? What have I gained from my own experiences? Are these discoveries things I can talk about or do they seem too different from what everyone around me thinks? People are always saying, Be yourself'! But what does that mean, exactly? We're back to the first question, Who am I'? And how can I discover what that is? The book looks at all of these questions in an amusing and engaging way. From another angle the book is a launching pad for any questioning person in the form of a course given to ten quite different young people and their teacher. The background is an intro-duction to Sufism and twelve classic and provocative tales and the discussion surrounding the tales, as well as any number of examples from the storehouse of a teacher who has taught for thirty years, has walked and traveled through most of the known world, has worked at more than a hundred different jobs, and has brought up five children and three step-children. Gradually, the reader discovers that he/she too is part of the class and that the whole group, including the teacher, is on a journey, the destination of which is oneself.