Angels Among Us: Separating Fact from Fiction
With stories of angelic encounters all around us, Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries president Ron Rhodes delves into the biblical truth about these heavenly beings. Some current reports are so utterly remarkable they have captured widespread attention. Curiously, however, many of these seemingly celestial visitors have little in common with the angels of the Bible.
Angels are very much involved in our lives today--of that we can be certain. But when it comes to angels, how can we tell what is real and what isn't? Angels Among Us provides solid, biblically based answers to pressing questions through a fascinating--and highly inspirational--tour of God's Word. Readers will discover who angels are, what they are like, what they do...and most exciting of all, the ministry they have today. This book has sold nearly 150,000 copies and now boasts an updated cover to bring its balanced message to new readers.